Property Analyser Calculator
Do you want one easy to use tool to tell you the real property research and ongoing numbers?
Well, here it is.
The Solvere Property Analyser Calculator takes the risk out of crunching your property numbers and eliminates the fear of the unknown. After months of research and testing by one of Australia’s leading property specialist, this calculator is changing the lives of first home buyers and seasoned property investors all over Australia.
Great for both home owners and property investors.
Work out how much the property or multiple properties will cost you before and after tax (this is not tax advice).
You can tell your partner/family/accountant what the ‘actual’ required and ongoing costs will be prior to purchasing and manage the costs going forward.
Change variables such as cash, equity, interest rates, vacancy rates, property management fees and depreciation.
All you do is simply enter in all the details into the spreadsheet and it spits out the results.
One off cost – it’s yours forever!